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We want to support our environment around us, and we are always thinking about the biodiversity of our landscape – not only when planting new orchards or hop yards, but how we can improve what is already in place too.

Growing apples, it is imperative that our beautiful blossom is well pollinated, so bees are hugely important to us. There are several environmental practices that we undertake to provide the best conditions possible for our local insects. We have bee hotels on margins around the orchards – perfect for solitary bees. Local beekeepers provide hives and in return, we get the most delicious, golden honey. We also leave margins planted with bee-friendly plants which are left undisturbed for ground nesting bees and other insects.
Our orchards have crab apple trees along each row – a traditional method of encouraging pollinators into orchards – they are in blossom much longer than apple trees, so will attract pollinators for longer, and they have the ability to pollinate any apple variety which is incredibly useful to us. (They make some pretty delicious crab apple gin, chutney and jelly too!)
We have been involved with the sustainability report, published by British Apples and Pears which provides a wonderful analysis of current sustainability practices within the UK, and looks at methods of improvement for the coming years. You can read it by clicking HERE.