
A view of the farm

Stocks Farm is situated on the Herefordshire/Worcestershire borders in the village of Suckley. The farm has wonderful views over The Malvern Hills, which is an area of outstanding beauty. The soil is good quality heavy clay, known as Old Red Sandstone, which is very good at retaining the moisture.

Traditionally, Stocks Farm has been a hop and fruit farm for over 200 years. Richard and Ali Capper farm in partnership with Richard’s father Mark Capper. The farm comprises of 100 acres of hops and 100 acres of apples. We take great pride in looking after the land which is steeped in the history and traditions of farming, yet aiming to be at the forefront of agricultural development and scientific know-how.

Richard checking the hop growth.

Our Values

  • To use sustainable farming methods
  • To seek to continually learn from our peers around the world
  • To share best practice with other growers
  • To develop our family business in a way that involves and benefits our local community wherever possible
  • To balance profitable farming whilst caring for our farmed environment

Our Philosophy

  • Maintaining close working relationships with our employees and customers, as they are integral to the growth of our business
  • To develop our farm and business while maintaining high ethical standards
  • Choosing environmental, social and commercial strategies that also increase profitability
  • To produce a high quality product whilst constantly seeking new markets
  • To develop new varieties, new ideas and new ways of increasing the efficiency and productivity of the business, while being sustainable
  • Respect the local environment and strive for high standards of farm practice

Our Customers

The Hop Shed, Wye Valley Brewery, Fullers, Marstons, St Austell, Greene King, and many other brewers in the UK and around the world make beers using our aroma and alpha hops.

Our cider apples go to craft cider makers locally including Henneys cider and Once Upon a Tree, and the dessert apples from our orchards go into most major supermarkets.

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There are many issues facing English agriculture today from concerns regarding water, labour and climate change to cost pressures and inflation of energy costs.

We support the industry by raising awareness of these issues through membership of the NFU, and Ali’s involvement with various crop and growers associations.

Farmers Harvest The Autumn Apple Crop IMG_0489 FSP_HOPS_015 hopwalk-the hop package DSC02956