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Sovereign Green Hop Ale
Homebrewer – John Baker
Batch size: 23 litres
Boil size: 30 litres
Boil time: 60 minutes
Full Mash
Mash time: 90 mins
Mash temperatature: 67°C
Efficiency (assumed): 75%
Colour: 11.2° SRM
Bitterness: 32.3 IBU
Alcohol: 4.4 ABV
Grain Bill-
Maris Otter: 4.0 kg (90%)
Pale Crystal (30L): 0.4 kg (9%)
Midnight Wheat – US (550L): 0.05kg (1%)
Total Grain Bill: 5 kg
Target dried leaf hops: 30 grams for 60 minutes
Sovereign green hops: 60 grams for 15 minutes
Sovereign green hops: 60 grams for 5 minutes
Sovereign green hops: 60 grams at flameout; then steep for 20 minutes before chilling wort
Note: This recipe was based on a conventional recipe using dried leaf hops, however using five times the dried leaf hop quantities normally used. I brewed this beer the day after collecting my 200grams of green hops from Stocks Farm. I hung the hops in my garage overnight and when I weighed them I had a total of 180 grams. I assume that they had “lost” some of their natural moisture content. So my learning from this is to brew as quickly as possible after collecting my hops.
Fermentis Safale S-04 UK
Other Ingredients
One Protofloc tablet: 15 minutes before end of boil